Zahran Sabri, 42 years old, lives with his wife Sabah, 34 years old, and their five children who are all in school. The family lives in one room with a rundown bathroom. The father was working hard as a farmer to provide for his family. One year ago Zahran had a very high fever and…

Serve & Be Blessed On the first morning, the group was split into two teams. Team One went to the village of Magly ElWahsh Daycare, led by Evelyn, the head of the daycare program. She explained how she manges the program with specialized development for the children, teachers and parents. Meanwhile, Team Two visited the…
Wishing You a Happy & Blessed Feast of the Assumption of St. Mary أم النور الخادمة يليق بنا و نحن نتأمل في شفيعة خدمتنا – العذراء مريم أم النور- أن نخلع عنا كل اهتمامات أرضية لأننا في أرض مقدسة .هيا بنا نقف معا عند بعض لقطات في حياة أم النور الخادمة نستلهم منها منهجا لخدمة…

C4NC ensures that the 3,250 students in the Service have everything they need for a successful school year. You can help us make sure that all our learners are on the right track to receive the education they deserve. For just $25, you’ll provide: Uniform or School Outfit Backpack with School Supplies Click HERE to donate…

Maged lives in Gebel el-Teir village in Samalut, El Minya, where he was born and grew up. Due to his special needs, it was always difficult for him to support himself, let alone find steady employment. It seemed that his luck had finally changed this year when the Shepherd and Mother of Light built a…

Two thousand years ago, the holy family visited Egypt and spent some time in Gebel el-Teir village in Samalut, El Minya. Today, 12,000 Christians live in the area, which is a testament to its strong connection to Coptic heritage. While some parts of El Minya have developed into industrial hubs, most of the region has…

Behind the scene of the holidays clothing distributions, the servants of the Shepherd and Mother of Light (SML) spend weeks negotiating with factories and wholesalers to get the best deals on clothes. They do this knowing that thousands in Upper Egypt are counting on them; the lower the price, the more families receive gifts during…

في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية C4NC الي جميع شركاء خدمهلقد تمجد الهنا القدوس الراعي الصالح صاحب خدمتنا وبشفاعه أم النور، فقد تم انهاء جميع الأمور القضائيةو الإدارية الخاصة بموضوع مستشفى راعي مصرفي يوم 16/4/2018 و بمباركة قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني بابا الاسكندرية و بطريرك الكرازةالمرقسية منذ سنوات بدأنا…

Welcome to our new website! As you may have noticed, the Care 4 Needy Copts website has had a makeover. The look and navigation of the site is new, but our mission remains the same—to serve and provide for Egypt’s forgotten. All our information will be more accessible in the new website, so you can…